5 insights on what to start this spring


Goodbye winter, welcome spring!

Okay, I admit we all become sluggish and lazy in winter, and even the promise of having a body like Apollo/Venus can’t make us leave our coaches for the gym or even cinema. But I have good news (in case you’re still hibernating and missed it): the spring has come! Perhaps, some of you have a well-though-out “to-do list (or “to-Not-do list”) for spring, yet others are still clueless about how to add some color to their lives this spring. In both cases, replace your favorite “I’ll start it in spring” with “I’ll do it today” and consider one of these options:

  1. Gym/ pool/yoga/capoeira classes

Don’t be panic-stricken by the thought that summer is 3 months away and you’re still far from Adriana Lima (and, in general, don’t panic, “This too shall pass”:)). Instead of obsessing over your imperfections as an imminent result of winter pig-outs, just stick to healthy lifestyle: balanced eating, “green day” – meaning only vegetables and fruit- once a week,+ physical activity minimum twice a week. If you top the list of the laziest geeks, then at least do this short 10-minute workout in front of your favorite soap opera.

  1. Cultural events

Spring is time to not only physical but also spiritual and mental “workout”. Check out your local events and pick one closer to your heart. Or, rather, try something new – like a museum or gallery if you’re more of a music fan, or ballet if you have never seen it live. Sometimes, changing such small patterns gravitates fundamental changes in life.

  1. Reconnect with “the lost” friend

All of us have that friend who is always on our mind but we’re always too busy/exhausted/ annoyed/ in love to squeeze time for him/her. You chat occasionally on Facebook recalling the fun you had together and still…fail to put her/him on your priority list. As you regained physical and mental shape (if you follow the above-mentioned tips, of courseJ), it’s time to make the move and schedule an offline meeting with that pleasant but interrupted connection.

  1. Plan ahead your summer fun

It’s a life-tested technique: whenever you feel bogged down or listless, plan (or at least, imagine) your next (summer mostly, and autumn- in some cases) destination. It’s my only remedy against apathy, to be honest: I go to BBC Travel, read a travel blog or watch a video about faraway countries,  and then visualize myself in one destination at a time. Even the thought of upcoming travel propels me to tackle the routine more effectively, and I’m sure it will work for you, too.

  1. And finally, plan to be more spontaneous. This may sound a paradox, but arrange to leave some room for spontaneity that may come your way. I should confess I’m a control freak most of time and I get overly annoyed if something pops out of my agenda. But then I remind myself that all the wonderful things that happened to me when I least expected them. So I sometimes I cancel a class, make an impromptu call to a friend or dig in the nearest bookstore in search an insightful book, or just stroll aimlessly observing the city life and passers-by.

P.S. The beauty of life is in inventing ”variations” on main ” theme” of your routine. Fill it with more music, more spontaneity and action, do not  follow these insights if you have something more exciting in your mind- just savor the promising warmth of spring and all year round!

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